Agni-Ama-Ojas & Shelf Paper


The ultimate goal that we have for our clients is that ever-elusive “perfect health”.

What exactly does that mean?

In Ayurveda it means that we have balanced doshas, balanced dhatus, balanced digestion & elimination, a strong immune system, symptom-free body, and a content and peaceful mind. That is a tall order!

To create this state of perfect health, we must first address the state of the digestion, agni. We then want to rid the body of toxins that have built up over time, ama. After we have done that we will be ready to build ojas. This is reflected not only in the quality of the body’s dhatus but also in the stability, stamina and strength of the body and the mind.

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The Dosha- The First Mask and Greatest Treasure


What do you see when you look in the mirror?

I often refer to the dosha as the first mask we place over consciousness. If I look in the mirror and identify with the mask, then I believe that the mask is me.

If that mask is Vata dosha, I believe that I AM mobile, dry, light and airy.

If that mask is Pitta dosha, I believe that I AM hot, oily, sharp, and fiery.

If that mask is Kapha dosha, I believe that I AM cool, heavy, dense and watery.

When I identify that this is what I AM, I become powerless to change. When I recognize the dosha as a mask, I know that the consciousness behind this is not limited by the qualities of the dosha. In that consciousness I have the power to change. I can make the choices necessary to fill the ether, calm the air, cool the fire, dry the water or move the earth.

more “The Dosha- The First Mask and Greatest Treasure”

Spring Dining Reminders & Now What’s Best for Breakfast?

African American Woman Eating Salad

With the changing weather, now is a good time to check in with your clients on beneficial foods for springtime. These foods tend to be Kapha pacifying, warming, drying and lighter than the foods we’ve been taking all winter. The greens are showing up in our yards, so it is time to have them show up on our plates.

It’s time to set aside the heavy, nutrient dense foods that we’ve enjoyed during the winter months. As we lighten up the diet, we stimulate the agni so that it will burn up any last vestiges of our “winter coat” and prepare us for the work of the spring and summer months.

Now is a good time to remind our clients about how to keep Kapha in check by following the General Springtime Guidelines for Conscious and Healthy Dining.
more “Spring Dining Reminders & Now What’s Best for Breakfast?”

Why Chai?

What is this popular tea and why would you want to drink it?

Dried leaves and cup of teaWhat, exactly, is chai?

The word, chai, simply means “tea.”  Chai has become synonymous with the sweet, spicy, milky tea drink that is a staple of Indian afternoons. This tea has made its way to the West and can be found in many traditional coffee houses as well as Indian restaurants. This drink is good tasting, but it is also good for you. As we dissect a cup of chai, we can fully realize its health benefits.

more “Why Chai?”

Perfect Health~ Aristotle and the Vedas

973958374-b3b2c0712a3f7c130da54a9421f1756aIn the Sushruta Samhita, perfect health is described as one having balanced doshas, balanced dhatus, balanced digestion/elimination, a strong immune system, a symptom-free body and a content state of mind. In some translations they even go so far as to say a “blissful state of the mind and emotions”.

That is the WHAT of perfect health, I like to think that Aristotle gave us a nod to the HOW. There is an Aristotelian quote that I love. It applies so well when we are working with our clients on the creation of Perfect Health.

Usually, we just see the heart of this quote, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Even that small section is great, but to really understand how this particular quote applies to the concept of Perfect Health, we want to look at the full quote.

more “Perfect Health~ Aristotle and the Vedas”