Ditch the Food List- These 8 Factors are Better


Food lists. Every introductory book on Ayurveda has one. You, like me, may have started out your practice giving your client a cumbersome list of foods that are “good” to eat and those that they should avoid.

Oftentimes, the next office visit would be focused on a review of these lists and, if your client was exceptionally Pitta, a detailed accounting of the how, why, and wherefore of each foods placement on the list, accompanied by bargaining for circumstances in which they could sneak a forbidden food into the acceptable category.

Do you think that thousands of years ago, the earliest Ayurvedic practitioners were using lists of foods to direct their clients in their dietary choices?

In the first chapter of the Charaka Samhita, the eight factors affecting food’s utility are detailed1. This, to me, is much more useful than a food list, primarily because the food list is only concerned with one of these eight factors, the Prakruti, or nature of the food.

By educating our clients about these eight factors affecting the usefulness of the food to the body, they are empowered to make appropriate food choices in every moment, even if they have left their food list at home.

more “Ditch the Food List- These 8 Factors are Better”

Why Chai?

What is this popular tea and why would you want to drink it?

Dried leaves and cup of teaWhat, exactly, is chai?

The word, chai, simply means “tea.”  Chai has become synonymous with the sweet, spicy, milky tea drink that is a staple of Indian afternoons. This tea has made its way to the West and can be found in many traditional coffee houses as well as Indian restaurants. This drink is good tasting, but it is also good for you. As we dissect a cup of chai, we can fully realize its health benefits.

more “Why Chai?”

Perfect Health~ Aristotle and the Vedas

973958374-b3b2c0712a3f7c130da54a9421f1756aIn the Sushruta Samhita, perfect health is described as one having balanced doshas, balanced dhatus, balanced digestion/elimination, a strong immune system, a symptom-free body and a content state of mind. In some translations they even go so far as to say a “blissful state of the mind and emotions”.

That is the WHAT of perfect health, I like to think that Aristotle gave us a nod to the HOW. There is an Aristotelian quote that I love. It applies so well when we are working with our clients on the creation of Perfect Health.

Usually, we just see the heart of this quote, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Even that small section is great, but to really understand how this particular quote applies to the concept of Perfect Health, we want to look at the full quote.

more “Perfect Health~ Aristotle and the Vedas”

Pacify Vata All Year Long With Daily Abhyanga

Vata is a Sanskrit term that roughly translates into “wind”.  This name is given to the energy of movement in our physical and mental bodies.  Its qualities are cold, dry, light and mobile, and the more we do that increases coldness, dryness, lightness and mobility in our bodies and our minds, the more we will experience the negative effects of Vata dosha.  When Vata is out of balance we experience worry, fear and anxiety in our minds and dryness and pain in our physical bodies.  This may manifest as insomnia and digestive irregularities, which are common complaints.  Autumn is the start of Vata season; the onset of cold, dry and light weather exacerbates these same qualities within us.  Our lives are mobile all year round, but in autumn and early winter this mobility drives us to distraction. Daily routines that pacify Vata dosha will help to minimize the negative impact of the season and balance Vata energy.  The use of oils internally and externally is especially beneficial this time of year.  Taking in good quality oils through food is essential to keep the body moisturized and protected.  External oiling through abhyanga, a daily full body self-massage, is an essential part of the daily routine during the fall and early winter.

more “Pacify Vata All Year Long With Daily Abhyanga”

Ayurveda, Sound, & The Bija Mantra

Ayurveda is the holistic healing science of India.  Its roots are ancient; its principles are set down in the Vedas, the earliest recorded teachings of the Indus culture and believed to be more than 5000 years old.  Ayurveda utilizes five sense therapies for healing- creating balance in the body by using sound, touch, color, taste and aroma.  In order to understand the profound effect of sound on the body and mind, it is important to review the foundation of Ayurveda- the five elements that make up the entire universe.

more “Ayurveda, Sound, & The Bija Mantra”